








純化水 ? 增壓泵  ? 調(diào)壓閥  ? 過濾器 ? 加熱器 ? 高壓噴嘴













The beer production process is divided into four main parts: wheat making, saccharification, fermentation, and canning. One of the extremely important steps in the filling process is the control of oxygenation, which is generally controlled within 20 ppb, and the finished beer bottle neck air is generally controlled at about 0.5 mL. This reduces the impact of oxygen on the quality of the beer and improves the flavor stability and abiotic stability of the finished beer.

Beer filling line bubbling device

 High-pressure bubbling causes a gush at the bottle neck to remove residual air.

The effect of high-pressure bubble pressure on bottle neck air: After filling beer, the purpose of high-pressure bubble stimulation is to eliminate the gas in the bottle neck part before capping. The use of high-pressure water to stimulate the liquid foam, so that it overflows out of the bottle mouth to discharge the gas in the neck part of the bottle, is an important means of reducing the air in the bottle neck.   

When taking high-pressure water to induce foam, according to the specific conditions of production to adjust the pressure of the foam, foam location, the standard of foam should be in the bottle before capping, foam overflow out of the bottle mouth 1cm-2cm, filling and capping the bottle neck part of no larger, rougher foam and foam uniform, fine prevail. If the bubble pressure of beer is too high before capping, it is easy to cause the consequences of insufficient volume, low bubble pressure and inability to drive out the air.   

In order to control the content of air in the bottle neck of the finished beer, the author finally chose the best frothing pressure by testing different frothing pressures and detecting the corresponding air content in the bottle neck, and ensuring the filling capacity requirements. The previous control bubble pressure were between 1.0Mpa-2.0Mpa.   

After the second evacuation, the overall trend of bottle neck air content decreased with the rise of the surge pressure. The curves show that the bottle neck air changes more with the increase of the bubble pressure for the beer controlled below 1.6 MPa bubble pressure; however, the change of the bottle neck air is not obvious with the increase of the bubble pressure for the beer controlled above 1.6 MPa bubble pressure. Therefore, the control of 1.6 MPa bubble pressure is ideal, and the bottle neck air of the corresponding finished beer meets the process requirements.

Components and principles of the high-pressure bubbling unit.

Purified water ? Booster pump ? Regulator ? Filter ? Heater ? High pressure nozzle

Wine machine filling process.

In normal production, the wine machine runs at a stable speed, and the pressure of the exciting bubble water is adjusted to about 2.0MPa, and the exciting bubble effect can meet the process requirements and maintain a more stable liquid level. If there is equipment failure or other external factors that cause changes in the running speed of the wine machine, while the high-pressure bubble pressure continues to remain fixed, the bottles of wine at each station will cause large differences in dissolved oxygen and liquid level due to the different lengths of bubble time.

In order to solve the above problems, manual and frequent adjustment of the bubble pressure will not meet the process requirements, the only way is to make the bubble pressure can change with the wine machine speed, at this time the need for different packaging line bubble device and site conditions for the corresponding transformation.

Specific transformation methods are as follows.

Excitation bubble device in the use of column density pump for pressurization, the highest production speed of the filling machine to set the pressure of the excitation bubble. In parallel with the bubble at the increase of a branch pipeline with solenoid valve and throttle valve, the purpose is to control the bubble water flow and unloading pressure, to achieve the bubble water pressure changes with the speed of the wine machine, replace the booster pump for the impeller pump, increase a frequency converter and a pressure sensor, operating control signal from the wine machine frequency converter, so that the output pressure of the impeller pump in the set range with the wine machine operating speed changes to meet the process requirements.

Importance of high pressure nozzles.

The use of high-pressure bubbling devices to solve the problems that exist in actual operation is effective. The high-pressure bubbling device uses a high-pressure water column to make the beer inside the bottle produce a large number of bubbles overflowing out of the bottle mouth, pushing the air out of the bottle neck and avoiding air intrusion into the bottle. Dissolved oxygen in the bottle is reduced.

The variation of the speed of the wine filling machine and the pressure of the bubbling has a certain influence on the dissolved oxygen and liquid level, and the length of the transparent water column sprayed out determines the effect of the bubbling, so it is extremely important to choose a good high-pressure nozzle.

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